Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College & Hospital (NRSMC&H)

138, A.J.C Bose Road, Kolkata - 700014

WELCOME TO Microbiology

“Microbiology - diagnosing the world of microbes challenging mankind”

                 Microbiology as a discipline of Medicine has received pivotal importance with implications in diagnosis and management of  pathogens  over the years.

                 The Department of Microbiology took its own identity in NRS Medical College from the year 1992.

                The journey following more than three decades encompasses teaching by experienced faculties and accolades earned by both undergraduate students of the institution and post graduates of Microbiology.

               The Department caters to a large section of the society in diagnostic services and aids in challenging therapeutics thus combating the menace of Anti Microbial resistance worldwide.

             The Department is equipped with a state of the art seven service laboratories. Molecular laboratory started functioning with the testing of COVID19 by RT PCR since the onset of the global pandemic.

             The Department has followed the latest NMC curriculum in training young minds and the faculties have played a balanced role of mentors, academicians and researchers.

             Together as a team, the Department will continue on the pathway of advancement in the field of diagnostics in modern Medicine. 

            The Department of Microbiology pledges to excel in all its endeavors and carry forward the legacy of excellence of this prestigious Institution.


Departmental Services by Microbiology

Bacteriology section


The Bacteriology Section caters to staining, microscopy, culture sensitivity of samples of both outdoor and indoor patients of NRS M C &H

Both manual and automated methods are in use.

*Recent anaerobic methods using Gas pack initiated

Serology section

Serology Section caters ----

RA factor



Widal test 

Typhi dot

ICT for HBsAg,

ICT Anti HCV, 

ELISA for NS1Ag &  IgM MAC ELISA for Dengue ,

Scrub typhus IgM  by ELISA, 

ELISA for Leptospira IgM


HIV testing and counselling is done in the  ICTC section.

Mycology section

Mycology section provides services---

Fungal stain, KOH mount, India Ink preparation, LPCB, Fluorescent microscopy, and Fungal culture . 

RT PCR laboratory

Dengue serotyping done in the Department of Microbiology, NRS MC.

RT PCR lab was initiated in the Department of Microbiology, NRS MC in May 2020 for COVID19 testing.

H1N1 is tested by TruNAT . 

Parasitology section

Stool wet mount, iodine mount, microscopy for cysts, ova, parasites.

Participated in a number of the EQAS successfully for quality control of Parasitology lab.

Mycobacteriology section

Mycobacteriology section provides services of ZN staining ,Slit skin smear and AFB culture (MOTT) 

HICC team work

Participates in the regular Hospital Infection Control Team Works  


Phone: 1503

Academic Details

UG Teaching Program

The Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital, established by the British Government and post independence re-named in honor of freedom fighter and one of the college's famous alumnus, physician Sir Nilratan Sircar is affiliated with West Bengal University of Health Sciences for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

The revised Competency Based Undergraduate curriculum has specified the competencies that a student must attain and clearly defined teaching learning strategies for the same. With this goal in mind, early clinical exposure, foundation course, integrated teaching, skill development, AETCOM and self-directed learning have been introduced for UG students.

Under Competency Based UG Curriculum implemented in the year 2019 as an outcome-based approach to the design, implementation, assessment and evaluation of a medical education program using an organizing framework of competencies, the department of Microbiology having a group of competent faculties, Senior resident and junior residents is dedicated to teaching 250 2nd year MBBS students who are associated with Microbiology department for a total duration of 12 months.

Total 70 theory lecture classes, 140 tutorials/ practical demonstration classes and 10 self directed learning classes are taken for the 2nd MBBS students by the faculties and residents

  1. Competencies: The undergraduate learner can demonstrate:
  • Understanding of role of microbial agents in health and disease
  • Understanding of the immunological mechanisms in health and disease
  • Ability to correlate the natural history, mechanisms and clinical manifestations of infectious diseases as they relate to the properties of microbial agents
  • Knowledge of the principles and application of infection control measures
  • An understanding of the basis of choice of laboratory diagnostic tests and their interpretation, antimicrobial therapy, control and prevention of infectious diseases
  • Knowledge of outbreak investigation and its control
  1. Broad subject specific objectives : At the end of the course the student is able to :
  • Explain how the different microorganisms can cause human infection.
  • Understand commercial, opportunistic and pathogenic organisms and describe host parasite relationship.
  • Describe the characteristics (morphology, cultural characteristics, resistance, virulence factors, incubation period, mode of transmission etc.) of different microorganisms.
  • Explain the various defense mechanisms of the host against the microorganisms which can cause human infection.
  • Describe the laboratory diagnosis of microorganisms causing human infections and disease.
  • Describe the prophylaxis for the particular infecting microorganisms
  1. Skills : At the end of the course the student shall be able to
  • Plan the laboratory investigations for the diagnosis of infectious diseases.
  • Perform laboratory procedures to arrive at the etiological diagnosis of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites including the drug sensitivity profile.
  • Perform and interpret immunological and serological tests.
  • Operate routine and sophisticated instruments in the laboratory.
  • Develop microteaching skills and Pedagogy
  • Successfully implement the chosen research methodology
  1. Integration:

The teaching is aligned and integrated horizontally and vertically in organ systems with emphasis on host-microbe-environment interactions and their alterations in disease and clinical correlations

As a part of academic activities UG Students also take part in:

  • OSPE
  • Vertical and horizontal integration sessions

The UG students have participated in making various three dimensional models under supervision of faculties (as mentors) under department of Microbiology as a part of departmental academic activity. Models prepared are:

  1. Horizontal gene transfer in bacteria
  2. Structure and pathogenesis of Rabies Virus
  3. Monoclonal Antibody
  4. Influenza virus and its pathogenesis
  5. Bacterial Cell Wall
  6. Adenovirus
  7. Ebola Virus
  8. HIV (structure and life cycle)

The 2nd year MBBS students are also Winners of Tropacon 2022 Inter College UG Quiz

1st prize

Jyotirbina Karmakar

Aishwarya Polley

Dattatreyo Mitra

2nd prize

Sarthak Pal

Ankita Chakrabarti

Baarniki Debnath

3rd prize

Anoushka Bhattacharyya

Joydeep Saha

Kishaloy Chakraborty


PG Teaching Program

List of seminar and Journal club presented by Post Graduate students in the past one year






Bio medical waste management

Dr. Ankita Banik

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Diagnosis of urinary tract infections

Dr. Adrija Debnath

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Sample collection and processing

Dr Ankita Das

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Anti fungal susceptibility testing

Dr. Chayanika Banerjee

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Diarrhoea outbreak investigation in community and hospital set up

Dr .Suman Kundu

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Testing of disinfectants

Dr. Aritri Mondal

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Anaerobic sample processing

Dr .Suman Kundu

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Bacterial virulence

Dr Tanvi Mallick

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Hybridoma technology

Dr. Ankita Banik

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey



Dr. Aritri Mondal

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Journal club on pneumococcal vaccines

Dr. Abhiparna

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


National tuberculosis elimination program

Dr Ankita Das

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Bacteriological culture methods and stock maintenance

Dr. Adrija Debnath

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Hpv vaccines

Dr Tanvi Mallick

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Different  types of pcr

Dr Ankita Banik

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Different Methods Of Epidemiological typing

Dr Ankita Das

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Account on transposon and its role in drug resistance

Dr. Adrija Debnath

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Antibiotics used for indentification of medically important bacteria

Dr Suman Kundu

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Different methods antimicrobial susceptibility testing

Dr. Aritri Mondal

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Emerging Species Of Non albicans Candida And Their Process Of Isolation and Identification From Clinical Specimen

Dr. Adrija Debnath

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Emerging Intestinal Protozoal Infection and their Laboratory Diagnosis

Dr Ankita Das

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Newer viral vaccine – preparation, trial, advantages, disadvantages

Dr. Ankita Banik

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Vaccine technology and storage

Dr. Suman Kundu

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Journal club on mycoplasma pneumoniae

Dr. Adrija Debnath

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Specimen collection , transport and processing

Dr. Sayan Mandal

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Journal club on histoplasmosis mascuerading as tuberculosis – a report of three cases in immunocompetent children

Dr. Ankita Das

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Molecular mechanism of antibiotic resistance In Gram negative bacteria

Dr. Tanvi Mallick

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Blood culture contamination

Dr. Suman Kundu

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Staining methods in microbiology

Dr. Mintu Biswas

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey



Journal Club On  “Acinetobacter baumannii in Suspected Bacterial Infec Tion: Association Between Multidrug Resistance, Virulence Genes And Biofilm Production”

Dr. Ankita Banik

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Diagnosis of extra pulmonary tuberculosis

Dr. Suman Kundu

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


CLSI-2024-Gram Positive Cocci

Dr. Aritri Mondal

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


HIV vaccines

Dr. Tanvi Mallick

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Culture media

Dr Sayan Mandal

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Journal club on “comparative evaluation of traditional and molecular diagnostic methods for malaria :and analysis of performance”

Dr. Adrija Debnath

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Journal club on “evaluation of different linezolid susceptibility testing methods and detection of linezolid resistance genes (CFR) in staphylococcal isolates

Dr Ankita Banik

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Sterilization methods

Dr. Prasenjit Jana

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Biochemical tests used for identification in bacteriology

Dr. Mintu Biswas

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee



Dr. Prasenjit Jana

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


CLSI- Gram negative bacteria

Dr. Suman Kundu

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Emerging and re-emerging viral disease

Dr. Aritri Mondal

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Journal Club – Comparative evaluation of Scrub typhus diagnostic test methods

Dr .Ankita Banik

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Complement and its role in diagnostic test

Dr. Adrija Debnath

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Immune response

Dr. Ankita Das

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Immunological tolerance and autoimmune diseases

Dr. Ankita Banik

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey


Humoral immune response

Dr. Ankita Das

Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Bhattacharjee


Phenotypic detection of antimicrobial mechanism of resistance in gram positive cocci

Dr. Tanvi Mallick

Prof. (Dr.) J.B. Dey



PD Teaching Program

Not Aplicable

Academic Services
No information provided
Ongoing Research

1. List of ongoing research projects in department of Microbiology

SL.  No

Ongoing Research Projects


Ethics committee(DCGI) approval

Field Of Expertise


Molecular Diagnosis Of Scrub Typhus And Leptospirosis To Overcome The Fallacy Of

Misdiagnosis By Serological Assay in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Kolkata

Principal Investigator

Prof. Dr. Jayanta Bikash Dey

Professor and HOD, Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata



1. Prof. Dr. Swagata Ganguly


Professor, Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


3. Dr. Arup Kumar Pattanayak

Molecular Biologist, Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


4. Dr. Tanvi Mallick (Fellow)

Junior Resident, Department of Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


5. Dr. Suman Kundu (Fellow)

Junior Resident, Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata



IEC Approved












Molecular Biology












A Study On The Outcome Of Dengue Patients In Correlation With The Ns1 Antigen, Viral Load, Serotype, Dengue IgG

With Other Laboratory And Clinical Parameters In

North 24 Parganas, Nadia And NRS Medical College & Hospital Kolkata


Principal Investigator


Prof.  Dr. Swagata Ganguly Bhattacharjee

Professor , Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata




1. Prof. Dr. Jayanta Bikash Dey

Professor and HOD

Department of Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


2. Dr Dipankar Maji


Government of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare, Swasthya Bhawan, Kolkata – 700091



3. Dr Arijit Sinha


Department of Medicine, NRSMC, Kolkata



4. Prof. Dr. SOMA SARKAR

Professor, Department of Microbiology

IDBG HOSPITAL (Previously attached to Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College & Hospital)

Kolkata – 700014




IEC Approved
































Role of Biomarkers in sepsis due to carbapenamase producing and  carbapenamase non-producing bacteria.


































Principal Investigator

Dr. Somnath Bhunia,

Assistant Professor, Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata



1. Prof. Dr. Jayanta Bikash Dey

Professor and HOD

Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


2. Prof. Dr. Swagata Ganguly Bhattacharjee

Professor Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


3.Dr Kabita Choudhury

Demonstrator Department of  Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


4. Dr. Suman Kundu (Fellow)

Junior Resident, Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


5.Dr.Ankita Banik (Fellow)

Junior Resident, Department of Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata














IEC Approved












































COVID 19 Disease Detection using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms


















Principal Investigator

Prof.  Dr. Chandan Chakraborty,

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training &  Research, Kolkata




1. Prof Dr Arun Achar,

 Head of Dept of  Dermatology,        NRSMC


 2. Prof (Dr) Indira Dey (Pal), MSVP, NRSMCH


3. Dr Soma Sil  (Mullick) ,

Demonstrator , Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata



IEC Approved


Proposed Collaborating Institute: Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College








Preventive and Social Medicine




A Study On Dengue Serotypes And Atypical Manifestations Of  Dengue Infection In Patients Attending a Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal













Candidate Name: Dr. Suman Kundu Junior Resident, Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


Guide: Prof. Dr. Swagata Ganguly Bhattacharjee,

Professor, Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


Co-Guide: Prof. Dr. Arijit Sinha Professor, Department Of Medicine, NRSMC, Kolkata



Co-Guide: Dr. Purnima Mondal Associate Professor Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata



IEC Approved















Profile Of Candida Species Causing Neonatal Candidaemia along with Drug Sensitivity Pattern In A Tertiary Care Medical College In Kolkata, West Bengal










Candidate Name: Dr. Aritri Mondal Junior Resident, Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


Guide: Prof Jayanta Bikash Dey

Professor & Head Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata



Co-Guide: Dr. Ranjan Basu

Associate Professor, Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


Co-Guide: Dr. Shrabani Mandal

Assistant Professor, Department Of Pediatrics,NRSMC, Kolkata




IEC Approved



















A Study On Multidrug Resistant(MDR) And Extensively Drug Resistant(XDR) Gram Negative Bacilli Isolated From Patients With Urinary Tract Infection
















Candidate Name: Dr.Tanvi Mallick

Junior Resident, Department of

Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


Guide: Dr.Soma Sarkar

Professor Department of Microbiology, IDBG HOSPITAL (Previously attached to Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College & Hospital), Kolkata – 700014



Co-Guide: Dr.Poulami Nandi

Associate Professor Department of Microbiology, STM Kolkata (Previously attached to Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College & Hospital)


Co-Guide: Dr. Dibyajyoti Karmakar Assistant Professor, Department Of General Medicine, NRSMC, Kolkata



IEC Approved



















General medicine


Assessment Of Bacterial Profile And Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern Of Surgical Site Infections (SSI): An Observational Cross Sectional Study In A Tertiary Care Hospital, West Bengal










Junior Resident, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH


GUIDE : Prof.(Dr) Swagata Ganguly Bhattacharjee, Professor, Department of Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


CO-GUIDE: Prof.(Dr) Utpal De Professor, Department of Surgery, NRSMCH


CO-GUIDE : Dr. Somnath Bhunia Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH



IEC Approved















A Study On Fungal Aetiology Of Rhino –Sinusitis With Special Reference To Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (Fess) Samples In A Tertiary Care Hospital In Kolkata










CANDIDATE NAME: Dr. Adrija Debnath, Junior Resident, Department of Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


GUIDE : Dr. Ranjan Basu, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, NRSMC


CO-GUIDE: Dr. Purnima Mondal, Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, NRSMC


CO-GUIDE : Dr. Anupam Roy Associate Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, NRSMC





IEC Approved















Seroprevalance Of Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E Virus With Special Referenace To Dearrangement Of Liver Enzymes In Patients Of Acute Viral Hepatitis In Kolkata













(Junior Resident, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH)


GUIDE : Dr. Poulami Nandi

Associate Professor Department of Microbiology STM Kolkata (Previously attached to Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College & Hospital)


CO-GUIDE: Prof (Dr) Jayanta Bikash Dey, Professor and Head Of Department, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH


CO-GUIDE :Prof (Dr) Runa Bal, Professor Department of Obstretics and Gynaecology




IEC Approved













Obstretics & gynaecology


Bacteriological Profile And Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern Of Blood Stream Infection In Adults: A Desc Riptive Cross-Sectional Study













CANDIDATE NAME: Dr. Sayan Mandal

Junior Resident, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH


GUIDE : Prof.(Dr) Swagata Ganguly Bhattacharjee

Professor, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH


CO-GUIDE : Dr. Somnath Bhunia Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH


CO-GUIDE: Prof.(Dr) Arijit Sinha Professor, Department of General Medicine, NRSMCH




IEC Approved












General medicine


Non-Dermatophyte Fungal Infection Of Skin, Hair, Nail And Appandages In A Tertiary Care Hospital














CANDIDATE NAME: Dr. Mintu Biswas

 Junior Resident, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH


GUIDE : Dr. Purnima Mondal

 Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, NRSMCH


CO-GUIDE: Dr. Ranjan Basu

 Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH


CO-GUIDE : Dr. Suchibrata Das Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, NRSMCH




IEC Approved
















Magnitude Of Intestinal Parasitic Infection In Diarrhoea And Dysentery Among Adult Patients: Cross –Sectional Observational Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital















CANDIDATE NAME: Dr. Prasenjit Jana

 Junior Resident, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH


GUIDE : Prof (Dr) Jayanta Bikash Dey, Professor and Head Of Department, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH



CO-GUIDE : Prof.(Dr) Arijit Sinha (Professor, Department of General Medicine, NRSMCH)


CO-GUIDE: Dr. Somnath Bhunia (Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH)





IEC Approved












General medicine









Assessment of Microbiological profile from Surgical Intervened and Post Operative Wounds in Fatal Road Traffic Injury Cases


















PI- Prof. (Dr) Saurabh Chattopadhyay

Professor and Head of Department,  Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, NRSMCH


Co- Investigator- Prof.(Dr) Swagata Ganguly Bhattacharjee

Professor, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH


Co-Investigator – Dr. Sayak Sovan Dutta

Associate Professor , Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, NRSMCH


Co- Investigator- Dr Kabita Choudhury

Demonstrator Department of  Microbiology, NRSMC, Kolkata


Co- Investigator- Ankita Chunakar

Junior resident, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, NRSMCH


IEC Approved

Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology








Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology








Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology



Spectrum of Non-Fermenting Gram-Negative Bacteria in Clinical Samples and their Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns: A cross-sectional Study in a Medical College at Kolkata



PI- Dr. Tanvi Mallick

Junior Resident, Demonstrator, Department of  Microbiology, NRSMC


Co- Investigator- Prof.(Dr) Swagata Ganguly Bhattacharjee

Professor, Department of Microbiology, NRSMCH



IEC Approved












Department Publications and Services
# Title Action
1. Departmental Publications Download / View
2. Departmental Services Download / View
Faculty Details
# Image Name Registration No. Designation Resident Type Publications Services
1 Prof. (Dr) Jayanta Bikash Dey WBMC 46965 Prof & HOD Not resident Download / View Download / View
2 Dr Swagata Ganguly Bhattacharjee WBMC 55438 Professor Not resident Download / View Download / View
3 Dr. Purnima Mondal WBMC 56630 Associate Professor Not resident - -
4 Dr. Ranjan Basu WBMC 53600 Associate Professor Not resident Download / View Download / View
5 Dr Somanjana Ghosh WBMC 59165 Assistant Professor Not resident Download / View Download / View
6 Dr. Somnath Bhunia WBMC 50735 Assistant Professor Not resident - -
7 Dr Senjuti Basu WBMC 73019 Tutor/Demonstrator Resident Download / View Download / View
8 Dr. Sonia Deb ACMR 22089 Senior Resident Resident Download / View -
9 Dr Suman Kundu WBMC 65275 Post Graduate Trainees (3nd Year) Resident - -
10 Dr Aritri Mondal WBMC 80924 Post Graduate Trainees (3nd Year) Resident - -
11 Dr Tanvi Mallick WBMC 78995 Post Graduate Trainees (3nd Year) Resident - -
12 Dr Ankita Banik TSMC 002818 Post Graduate Trainees (2nd Year) Resident - -
13 Dr Adrija Debnath WBMC 89708 Post Graduate Trainees (2nd Year) Resident - -
14 Dr Ankita Das WBMC 77197 Post Graduate Trainees (2nd Year) Resident - -
15 Dr. Sayan Mandal WBMC 78428 Junior Resident Resident - -
16 Dr Mintu Biswas WBMC 85982 Junior Resident Resident - -
17 Dr Prasenjit Jana WBMC 76594 Junior Resident Resident - -
Residents Details
# Image Name Registration No. Position Publications Services
Non Teaching Staff
# Image Name Designation
1 Mr Nitish Mondal, Medical Technologist
2 Mr Siddharta Sankar Das Medical Technologist
3 Mrs. Piyali Bose Medical Technologist
4 Mrs Sahina Khatun Medical Technologist
5 Ms Shakuntala Biswas ICTC, Counsellor
6 Mr. Arnab Kumar Deb Medical Technologist
7 Mr Chandan Deb (Store Keeper) M.T (Lab)
8 Mrs Briti Makar ICTC, Counsellor
9 Mrs Moumita Mukherjee ICTC, Counsellor
10 Mrs Maya Halder M.T (Lab)
11 Mrs Mou Sarkar
12 Ms Nandini Singha Roy (ICTC) M.T (Lab)
13 Mr Sankar Maity (ICTC) M.T (Lab)
14 Mr Joydeb Roy Group-D Staff
15 Mr Debashish Saha Executive Assistant, IDSP
16 Mr. Alamgir Baidya Data Entry Operator (DEO)
17 Smt Bina Turi Sweeper
Department Gallery